- A+
说到电脑上的截图软件,很多老用户都会想起一个熟悉的名字,那就是HyperSnap。作为老牌截图工具,它以前是很多用户的首选,不仅能抓住标准桌面程序,还能抓取DirectX、3Dfx Glide游戏和视频或DVD屏幕图。它有着非常悠久的历史,在2000年就已经推出到了4.0版本,更早的版本甚至连官方网站也难以考证。
HyperSnap - 功能强大的屏幕截图软件。它拥有着17年历史的强大屏幕截图、图像编辑软件。DirectX、3Dfx Glide游戏全屏截图,高清视频截屏、DVD屏幕抓图,视频截图超简单,号称史上最牛的图像编辑器!
2018.02.15 HyperSnap 8.16.05
Fix: Customize ribbon function did not work.
2018.02.06 HyperSnap 8.16.04
Firefox AddOn updated for compatibility with Firefox v. 58 and newer
2018.01.17 HyperSnap 8.16.02
- Fixed: very slow sprogram start after the recent Microsoft patches for Windows system vulnerabilities. Note: the old menu and toolbars interface still present in HyperSnap as option could not be fixed and may be slow. Please use the default modern ribbon interface.
- Fixed: saving image as JPEG would convert the original image in HyperSnap window from 32bpp to 24bpp, breaking the “automatic save ONLY if the new capture is different” feature.
- Fixed: if HyperSnap window was maximized and Edit – Paste as new image command used, the window would restore to smaller, non-maximized size.
- 64-bit version only – removed unnecessary dependency on msvcr120.dll.
2018.01.15 HyperSnap 8.16.00
- Fixed: very slow sprogram start after the recent Microsoft patches for Windows system vulnerabilities. Note: the old menu and toolbars interface still present in HyperSnap as option could not be fixed and may be slow. Please use the default modern ribbon interface.
- Fixed: saving image as JPEG would convert the original image in HyperSnap window from 32bpp to 24bpp, breaking the “automatic save ONLY if the new capture is different” feature.
by zd423 (for 8.x)、烈火 (for 7.x)
# 基用于官方原始英文版模块语言资源汉化简体中文;
# 包含32位/64位,无任何个人信息,不含任何破解;
HyperSnap 7.29 for WinXP
HyperSnap 8.16.04 x86/x64
下载地址 (此软件汉化资源因版权原因不准公开下载!)
HyperSnap v8.16.05 x86 / x64 + v7.29.06 绿色汉化版
HyperSnap 7/8 注册机 + HyperSnap 8 破解补丁