- A+
Root Explorer,R.E管理器用户量巨大,装机必备!安卓最佳文件管理器,没有之一!RE管理器原生简体中文,支持新建文件夹,多种格式查看/编辑文件、权限管理、蓝牙发送等,具备普通文件管理器所有功能。
2018-04-16 v4.2.4
• Fixed problem with copying file names containing single quotes on a small number of devices
• Removed Firebase crash reporting library, which was causing issues on start-up for some people
2018-02-07 v4.2.3
• Fixed problem when using MX Player to play streamed videos from SMB v2 shares.
Sorry about the quickfire updates but there were some SMB v2 issues which needed urgent attention. Hopefully this will be the last emergency update!
2018-02-05 v4.2.2
• Fixed problem with lost connection after streaming videos or music files using SMB v2.
2018-01-28 v4.2.1
• Support for anonymous shares and NAS drives using SMB Version 2 on Android 5.0 and above.
• Fixed crash if permissions, owner or context change attempted on previously deleted file.
• Fixed crash when cancelling SMB server scan and then exiting server details screen.
2018-01-21 v4.2
– Support for SMB Version 2 on Android 5.0 and above. Android versions below 5.0 are not supported for SMB v2 because of library incompatibilities. Sorry!
– Fixed crash which happened only on Samsung devices when long-clicking on text file contents
by Balatan
# 去授权验证、无广告!
License Properly Patched
Drive cloud and Backup work
by 330/飘飞
# 精准修正、补全中文(基于飘飞汉化版,在此谢过)
# 去升级、去除他国语言.XML文本,保留英、简
# 修正日期显示、默认优先显示文件夹
# 更换侧栏和APP图标,更改名称为:RE管理器
# 修改状态栏沉浸
# 去除 dropbox、google、box、云端硬盘和 SMB 标签
# 去除谷歌授权验证
by 飘飞
– 基于自带简体中文语言汉化修正;
– 彻底移除去广告,移除谷歌市场提示;
– 修改日期显示格式,默认优先显示文件夹;
by alphaeva/尘封之泪
– 去广告及校验
– 修改默认日期格式为:年-月-日
– 微调挂载按钮大小
– 默认优先显示文件夹
– 更换 banner 图标(由 @KC 提供)
– 修改“返回主文件夹”为“主页”
– 去除 Google 云端硬盘(这个 API 默认以开发者的签名来传送数据的,由于本应用是修改版,签名自然和原版的不一致,也就无法使用,索性就去掉这个东西)。
下载地址中有一套 Kstyle 图标和网友提供的线条 Meterial Design 图标的版本,假如启动器使用的图标包中恰好覆盖了 R.E. 管理器的默认图标,那么它自然就不显示相应的图标,这种情况下使用任何版本都是一样的。请不要问这两个有什么区别。
by 凯旋
—屏蔽需要联网的功能,包括菜单 – 关于 – 长按确定激活的设定项彩蛋
—优化安装包体积,应用名称改为“RE 管理器”
by iKira、Dave
—去除 Google 云端硬盘,加入 KStyle 图标美化,各种细节完善
v4.2.4 去广告版及修改版 / v4.2.3 去广告美化版 + v3.3.8 / v3.1.9 经典版